Thursday, May 11, 2006

Crossed the Equator today

10 May 2006


9) Colombia

Look at the sign in the back ground. 0 0´00´´. That means down Hill.

Also note, I got rid of the kak that was stuck on the pony´s tail and am now down to only the back pack. If it continues like this by the time I get to USA I will be down to a tooth brush and riding naked.

Left Santo Domingo in a bit of as drizzle with the locals assuring me that it would clear up and also adviced me to take an alternative route to following the Pan Americana ¨Highway¨. The route took me to La Concordia, Los Bancos and Mid Del Mundo (Middle of the World) a town on the equator and then joined on Pan American, North of Quito .

The rain stopped , the sun shone and it was a magical route through the jungle with hardly any traffic. Northern Equador is a far cry from its poorer Southern half. Everything is modern and up to speed with the modern world.

I crossed the border into Colombia with zero hassles and rode to a town called Pasto. It was a day of winding up and down mountain passes. Landed up riding into the night because I misjudged how long these distances through mountain passes can take.

The evening ended with two new beer labels being added to our Freedom Flight beer label collection.




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