Friday, June 09, 2006

9 June 2006
New Mexico

All well here and pony running like a stallion across the USA.
I left Corpus Christi and headed up the coast. Bid the Carribean farewell and headed in toward Houston. Spent the evening there visiting friends and left this morning on a major long ride and have made it to a town called Carlsbad in New Mexico. It is blerry hot around here.
Great riding on the perfect roads and it also a lot easier to find my way around. The drivers are generally very good, even getting in and out of the congestion of the Houston traffic was a breeze.
Battling getting access to internet so expect some delays on updates.
The computer that I have smokkeled can't edit photos so those will have to wait too.

I am heading for Grand Canyon and and then to LA and on to San Francisco. I expect to get to LA about the 14th and San Fran about 18th or 19th. That ofcourse is if I do not get way laid along the way.

From here it is 3000km to go so there is still a long slog ahead but its easy riding around here.

Have a good dey!


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